There are five ways we utilize a virtual assistant at Fulling:

1. New Employee Onboarding: Our VA makes sure our new hires move through the onboarding process. She also ships new team members their laptops, as well as an onboarding gift. It’s been a huge help!

2. New Client Onboarding: Each new client receives a welcome kit and communication to make sure they have what they need to get started.

3. Automating Our Workflow: Having someone on our team with that organizational skill has been a game changer. Our assistant helps build templates and create efficiencies in our operating model.

4. Scheduling Support: Our assistant also helps with our calendars, scheduling, and organizing travel.

5. Organizing Company Events: This one was a surprise to me, but our VA organizes all of our company events. This includes our annual on-site, as well as our virtual Christmas party, and other events.

Our virtual assistant, Kimbra Pahl, is a rock star and has become an integral part of our team. She has not only helped us become more efficient but also raised the bar when it comes to how we’re operating as a team and serving our clients.

I wasn’t actually sure I needed a virtual assistant until I got one—and now I wish I’d done it sooner! If you want to increase your capacity and improve efficiencies at your organization, I highly recommend looking into virtual assistant services.

👉 Do you have a virtual assistant? Where have you seen value in adding an assistant to your team?


Healthy Habits – Seek Community


Healthy Habits – Treat the Needs of Others as Sacred