Fulling Management & Accounting

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Healthy Habits – Be Good Soil

The Fulling team is watching Healthy Habits by Marcus “Goodie” Goodloe.

“We all want to see our dreams become a reality, but many of us don’t realize how our everyday habits are the key to either making progress or becoming stuck in a rut. So what can we do to identify and establish good habits while ridding ourselves of patterns that keep us from relationally, spiritually, and emotionally thriving? Join bestselling author Marcus ”Goodie“ Goodloe in this six-session series as he guides us through the six steps to achieving life-changing practices.”

Goodie began the session by comparing our minds to a garden. Just as a garden can produce good or bad crops, our minds can produce positive or negative ideas and actions.

No matter what your circumstances or thought patterns are today, you can turn your mind into fertile soil. The key is to remain teachable. You are a work in progress and there is always more you can learn.

It is easy to focus on our weaknesses (which we should work on improving) but enhancing our strengths is the most effective way to grow quickly.

Becoming good soil is rooted in assuming the best in others. When we assume the best in others, our work becomes more collaborative, we open up to new ideas, and engage in experiences we would have otherwise dismissed. Good assumptions create growth opportunities.

Food for Thought

  1. How would you describe your current mindset? Are you more positive or negative? What effect do you think your mindset has on your life?

  2. What mistakes have given you the best opportunities to grow? What did you learn from those mistakes?

  3. What is one thing you could do to seek personal growth and development this week?


Right Now Media - Healthy Habits

Be Good Soil