The Fulling team started a new staff meeting series! We are watching The Five Questions of Vision Casting by Jeff Henderson.

'“Thriving organizations understand how to transition people from benefiting from the mission and vision to participating in the mission and vision. In this five-session video series, Jeff Henderson asks five questions surrounding vision casting, explaining what it takes to transform consumers into vision-carriers for your organization.”

In session four,

  • Jeff shares that a business might have initial success thanks to a catchy, memorable vision statement. But quick growth may tempt leaders to coast and drift off-message.

  • He says how Chick-fil-A failed to reach its hometown market with its signature “Eat More Chicken” campaign until they proactively did market research.

  • Jeff described the origin of Chick-fil-A’s uniquely famous employee response, “My pleasure.” The company’s founder understood that “leaders are repeaters” when it came to training employees to unfailingly use the unique response.

  • We discussed ways we can ensure our vision is visually displayed in our social media posts, email signatures, zoom profiles, etc.  We also mentioned ways we can weave our vision statement into our conversations with clients to repeat ourselves often.

Food for Thought

  1. Where have you seen success lead to an organization drifting off-message? What happened?

  2. What might explain how an organization could miss its closest users?

  3. What practices can you put into place to encourage a regular repetition of your company message?


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